About Elliott Elementary: Grades K - 4

Mission Statement

The Elliott School community believes ALL students can learn. Our School’s purpose is to ensure all students make adequate yearly progress as determined by district, state and national standards. A comprehensive system of support will be used to promote academic, social, physical and emotional growth.

Arrival and Dismissal Schedule

Full day - 8:30AM - 3:35 PM
Wednesday Early Release - 8:30AM - 1:35 PM
Half Day - 8:30AM - 12:10 PM

Students should not arrive to school before 8:20 a.m.  Supervision for students is not available until that time.

The Holt Board of Education and the Holt Public Schools strive to provide the best possible educational environment for student learning by creating safe and secure atmospheres. Cooperation is expected from all members of the Holt Public Schools learning community through behavior that is ethical, of good character, and demonstrated with honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring. We have high expectations for student behavior. Each elementary school has its own way to communicate these principles. At Elliott we follow the C.A.R.E.S. All students are expected to be:

  • Be SAFE

We practice school wide Positive Behavior Supports. We explicitly define, teach, reteach, and positively acknowledge appropriate behaviors in all common areas of the building. All behaviors fall under the three expectations: Be SAFE, Be RESPONSIBLE, Be RESPECTFUL.

For more information from Board Policy or for a list of Student Handbooks visit our Student Handbooks page.

Morning Drop-Offs & After School Pick-Ups:

We ask that parents park in the designated parking area at the front of the school for before school drop-offs and after school pick-ups. Do not park in the fire lanes when you drop your child off, you could be ticketed. Please avoid pulling in the bus lanes while dropping off or picking up. There is no parking or leaving your vehicle when you use the drives. Children should always be escorted to/from a parked car in the parking area.

If you need to meet your child inside the school at the conclusion of the school day, you are welcome to wait for students by the office until the dismissal bell sounds. Please avoid going to your child’s classroom door before the bell rings. This can often cause distractions for the students and staff.


  • Andy Wise: 2019-present
  • Erin North: 2016-2019
  • Steve Netzel: 2010-2016
  • Fran Minnick: 1997-2010
  • Jill Spencer: 1995-1997
  • Ramona Berkey: 1984-1995
  • Gerald Canaday: 1970-1984
  • Larry Barnard: 1969
  • Howard Bliss:1968
  • Forrest Boster:1966-1967
  • Ted Sample:1963-1965
  • Betty Taylor:1960-1963
  • Theodora Jenvey: 1957-1959
  • Josie Watrous: 1953